Part-Qualified Accountant of the Year


Visit our 'How to Enter' page for our Items Checklist & Step-by-Step Guide. CLICK HERE.

Once you have created your PDF submission and you have all items in the Items Checklist, submit your entry via the Online Entry Form. CLICK HERE.

This award recognises the part qualified accountant working in industry, practice, public sector, or financial services that can best demonstrate excellence beyond that which is normally expected from a team member. We define a part qualified accountant as an individual that is mid-stream through their professional accounting qualification. The winner can be nominated by themselves or anyone within their organisation that believes the individual concerned has made a significant contribution to the organisation. Please ensure that you have the permission of the nominee before making the submission. Entry is by a 5 A4 page submission; the judges will be looking for clear information backed up by evidence that pays particular attention to the criteria listed below.

Entry is by a 5-page A4 PDF submission; the judges will be looking for a clear plan and evidence that it is delivering on core objectives, paying attention to the criteria listed below.

  • Education history: Summarise the nominee’s education history, including qualifications achieved, the awarding institute(s) and plans for further education.
  • Quality of service: Outline how the individual has exceeded expectation through their work.
  • Teamwork: Outline how the individual has contributed to the success of their team, and displayed commitment, enthusiasm, and flexibility in the role.
  • Impact: What makes this individual stand out from colleagues? Outline their achievements to date, summarising their contribution to their team.
  • Supporting Testimonials: Please include a testimonial from the individual’s head of department or supervisor where possible.
  • Career summary: Summarise the nominee’s career to date including their age and current role and responsibilities.